Effortless Node.js Development with TypeScript: A Zero-Configuration Guide

July 23, 2024

This guide provides a straightforward approach to setting up a Node.js project with TypeScript, without the need for complex configurations. By taking advantage of the latest Node.js features like watch mode, the built-in test runner, and the assert library, this setup minimizes dependencies while ensuring a smooth and efficient development experience. Follow step-by-step instructions to initialize your project, integrate TypeScript, set up Git, and add testing capabilities. In this guide I wanted to minimize to depencencies you install and the configuration files you have to add in your project. If you are not doing Frontend you can go very far with a very simple scaffolding.


for the more impatients, just here is the source code. Just go there and follow the README.

Scaffolding a Node.js Project with TypeScript with No Configuration

Creating a Node.js project with TypeScript without the hassle of complex configurations can be streamlined with the following steps. This guide walks you through setting up a boilerplate project that includes TypeScript support, automatic type checking, and testing.


Before we start, install fnm (Fast Node Manager) and use it to install Node.js version 20:

fnm install v20.15.1

Initialize the Node.js Project

  1. Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it:

    mkdir boilerplate_node_typescript
    cd boilerplate_node_typescript
  2. Initialize a new Node.js project:

    npm init
  3. (Optional) If you are using fnm or nvm, set the Node.js version for the project:

    node -v > .nvmrc

    Now, every time you navigate into the project directory, the Node.js version will be set automatically.

Set Up Git

  1. Initialize a new Git repository:

    git init
  2. Create a .gitignore file:

    touch .gitignore
  3. Add the following lines to .gitignore to exclude the node_modules and dist directories:


Install TypeScript

  1. Install TypeScript and tsx (a tool for running TypeScript files directly):

    npm i -D typescript tsx
  2. Create a src directory and an entry file:

    mkdir src
    touch src/index.ts

Update package.json

Add the following scripts to your package.json file:

  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "node --import=tsx --watch --no-warnings src/index.ts",
    "build": "tsc src/index.ts --outDir dist",
    "typecheck": "tsc src/index.ts --noEmit",
    "typecheck:watch": "tsc src/index.ts --noEmit --watch",
    "start": "node dist/index.js"

Add Some Code

  1. Create a sum.ts file:

    touch src/sum.ts
  2. Add the following code to src/sum.ts:

    export function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
      return a + b;
  3. Update src/index.ts to use the sum function:

    import { sum } from './sum';
    console.log(sum(1, 2));
  4. Run the development script to see your code in action:

    npm run dev

    This script will watch for changes and reload automatically.

  5. You can also build and start the project:

    npm run build
    npm start

Add Type Checking

While tsx is great for development, it doesn’t report type errors. Use TypeScript’s tsc for type checking:

  1. Add a typecheck script to package.json (already added above):

    "scripts": {
      "typecheck": "tsc src/index.ts --noEmit",
      "typecheck:watch": "tsc src/index.ts --noEmit --watch"
  2. Run the type checking script:

    npm run typecheck

Add Tests

  1. Install @types/node for TypeScript support in Node.js:

    npm i -D @types/node
  2. Create a test file:

    touch src/sum.test.ts
  3. Add the following code to src/sum.test.ts:

    import { sum } from './sum';
    import { test } from 'node:test';
    import { strictEqual } from 'node:assert';
    test('sum(1, 2) equals 3', () => {
      strictEqual(sum(1, 2), 3);
  4. Add test scripts to package.json:

    "scripts": {
      "test": "node --import=tsx --test src/**/*.test.ts",
      "test:watch": "node --import=tsx --test --watch src/**/*.test.ts"
  5. Run the tests:

    npm test

Work in a Reactive Environment

For an efficient development workflow, open three terminals and run:

  1. Terminal 1: Development mode

    npm run dev
  2. Terminal 2: Type checking

    npm run typecheck:watch
  3. Terminal 3: Testing

    npm run test:watch

You are done! This setup provides a simple and effective way to scaffold a Node.js project with TypeScript without any complex configuration. Enjoy coding!

Bonus: adding test coverage.

We can use tools like nyc to make our life much easier.

install nyc:

npm i -D nyc

then modify the package.json like this:


scripts: {
    "test": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text node  --import=tsx --test src/**/*.test.ts",
    "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text --reporter=text-summary",
    "coverage:html": "npx http-server coverage"

add to your .gitignore the following:


now, if you run npm test, you will see some new information after the test run:

01 run npm test

After you have runned the test, you will be able to print any time you want several report.

to run a text based report just run:

npm run coverage

you will see:

02 npm run coverage

or you can run the html report with:

npm run coverage:html

now if you go at http://localhost:8000/ from your browser you will see in details the coverage file by file:

03 html coverage report

you can even click on a sigle file to check which part of your source code is not covered by your tests:

04 html coverage report 2

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My name is Jurgo Boemo. I'm a Node.js developer at Vonage. My team does the Conversation API, and I try to convince people it's a good idea. This is my tech blog.